Great Yellow Gentian Root, 50 G, Tria Enniaria

Gentiana lutea L.

The herb yellow gentian favors the digestive system and kidneys. Stimulates appetite, fights infections and lowers temperature. Strengthens the whole organism.

  • Αpproved product at the Ministry of Health:
  • Can be used by:
  • Beneficial effect on problems with:
    BacteriaConstipationKidneysGallbladderGoutJoints, bones and musclesGastrointestialAppetiteInternal parasitesAnemia


Yellow gentian is known for its benefits for the digestive system. Increases gastric secretion and peristalsis, tones bile, improves appetite, helps with constipation. Stimulates the production of white blood cells. Due to its anti-inflammatory action, the herb can be used in the form of compresses and baths in difficult-to-heal wounds. It is used for anemia, jaundice, sand in the kidneys, rheumatism, gout and worms.


Method of use:

1 teaspoon of the herb is boiled over low heat in 500 ml of water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink during the day, the amount is divided into 4 intakes.



Do not overdose.



Yellow gentian root.



Store in a cool, dry place, without direct sunlight.

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